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외국인 특별전형 안내

This page is intended to provide brief information for applicants. The admission process will be conducted based on the official guideline so please check the guideline before you apply.

입학일정 Spring 2025 Additional Application Schedule

Category Dates Methods
온라인 원서접수
(Online Application)
Tuesday, January 14, 10 am ~
Thursday, January 16, 4 pm
온라인 입학지원 사이트에서 입학지원
(Online Application)
서류 제출
(Submit Required Documents)
Thursday, January 16, 4 pm 온라인 입학지원 후 서류 방문 또는 우편 제출
(Submit required documents in person or by post after the online application)
Monday, January 20 Skype/Zoom 화상면접(국외체류자)Skype/Zoom interview for applicants outside Korea
(Result Announcement)
Friday, January 24 (tentative) 온라인 입학지원 사이트
Online Application System
(Tuition Payment)
Thursday, February 6, 9 am ~
Friday, February 7, 4 pm
우리은행 전국지점
(Woori Bank Branches)

※ 전형일자는 학과 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있음.
The interview schedule is subject to change.
※ 해외 체류 중인 외국인특별전형 지원자는 Zoom 또는 Skype 화상면접 진행
The Zoom or Skype interview is available for those who stay outside Korea.
※ 국내 체류 중인 지원자의 경우에도 학과의 판단에 따라 화상면접 실시 가능
The video interview can be conducted for those who stay in Korea upon the department's request.

제출서류안내 Required Documents

제출서류목록(Required Documents)

학력조회동의서(Release of Information Form)

※ An applicant must submit all degree certificates and official transcripts of his/her previous degree courses.
※ When submitting documents by post, please enclose the application fee transfer receipt
※ All documents must be translated into English or Korean and notarized unless they are issued in English or Korean.
※ Certificates and notarized documents must be the ones that have been issued within 6 months as of the submission date.
※ In case an applicant cannot submit a degree verification document (apostille, consular confirmation or 学信网 certificate) within the designated date, the applicant must submit the document before the tuition payment period. A failure to do so would result in the cancellation of admission.

지원절차 Application Procedure


Sign-up and apply online


Pay the application fee


Print out the application
summary page


Submit the required

① Sign-up to the online application system (click "Online Application" in the Graduate School website)
② Finish Online application within the application period
③ Wire transfer the application fee until 4pm on the last day of the application period

degree Application fee (Korean Won)
석사과정(Master’s) KRW 100,000
박사과정(Doctoral) KRW 100,000

- Remit the fee Including remittance charges. Please write down your name as a remitter when you transfer the fee to the bank account below,
and send the receipt to us with your required documents.

  • · Bank account : 270-493061-18341, Woori Bank (우리은행)
  • · Account holder : Soongsil University
  • · Swift code : HVBKKRSEXXX
  • · Name of branch / bank : WOORI BANK SOONGSIL UNIVERSITY SUBBR.

④ Print out the application summary page from the online application system and sign on it
⑤ Submit required documents in person or by post with the application summary paper until the 4pm on the last day of the application period
※ Mailing address : Graduate School, Room 658, Westminster Hall, Soongsil University, 369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea (Postal Code 06978)

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