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  • 2024 Promising Studetnt Start-up team 300+

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2024 Promising Student Start-up 300+ International Student Track


To discover and nurture entrepreneurial talent with an entrepreneurial mindset, we would like to invite all students (of elementary, middle and high schools, students outside the schools, undergraduates (graduate students)) to participate in “Promising Student Start-up 300+”, focusing on entrepreneurial education by growth stage and we look forward to seeing your active interest and participation.


If you are an international student representative of a start-up team,

having the potential to start a business in Korea, you can take on the challenge!

(※ Korean team members can be included in the team.)


※ If you are interested or would like more detailedinformationon this program, please leave your contact information!



■ Overview

– (Name of the competition) 2024 Promising Student Start-up 300+ International Student Track

– (Hosted and Organized by) Ministry of Education / National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation

– (Contents)

① Training and Mentoring Program : Advancing IR Deck, Pitching capability building, IR Simulation etc.

② Networking with other participants, Mock IPO(Initial Public Offering) etc.

③ Selecting final 5 teams for “Challenge! K-Startup”


■ Recruitment Overview

– (Participants) International student startup teams hoping to advance to the Integrated Ministerial competition, with potentials to start startup in Korea(Team of 3 to 5 members)

– (No. of Teams to Participate) 10 team

– (Deadline) April 30, 2024 (Tue.) 17:00

– (Note)

1) ‘Opportunity to participate in ‘Challenge! K-Startup 2024’ Integrated Final (5 teams)

2) Opportunity to participate in Student Startup Festival ‘Value-Up Track’ (International Student) Demo Day (5 teams)

3)  Student startup teams led by an international student registered at an undergraduate (graduate) school in Korea


■ Preferential Points

– If one of the following conditions applies, maximum of 3 points will be awarded.

※ No duplicate preferential points(Maximum of 3 points even if both apply)

① Teams having more than 50% of international students in the team

② Teams having at least one who completed the OASIS program.


■ Awards and Benefits

– (Certificate) Issue of ‘Certificate for Promising Start-up Team’ (Minister of Education)

– (Integrated Finals) Opportunity to participate in the integrated finals of ‘Challenge! K-Startup’(5 teams)

– (Festival/Benefit 2) Festival(Demo day) for the top 5 teams in ‘International Student Track’ & Awards for 3 teams


■ Inquiry

– (Phone/email) 02-2156-2289 / cmchae@koef.or.kr

– (Kakao) http://pf.kakao.com/_xiAyNd/chat

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