유학생보험가입은 한국 교육부 및 법무부에서 정한 사항으로 한국에서 수학 중인 외국인유학생의 의무로 본교 규정에도 명시되어 있습니다.
따라서 숭실대학교에 재학 중인 모든 외국인 유학생들은 유학생보험에 반드시 가입하셔야 합니다.
가. 외국인등록에 통상 3개월 정도 소요되어, 한국에 입국하는 유학생의 경우 3개월 정도의 보험가입 공백 기간 발생
나. 국민건강보험으로는 실제 치료비의 일부만 보장
다. 외국인 유학생은 모두 매 학기 등록시에 유학생보험료(67,000원)를 납부하고 가입되게 됩니다.
국민건강보험가입자(국민건강보험자격득실확인서 제출), 또는 타보험가입자는 숭실대학교 유학생보험료 환불을 신청할 수 있습니다.
가. 환불신청 가능자 : 국민건강보험가입자, 타보험가입자
[Soongsil University International Student Insurance]
Enrolling in international student insurance is a matter stipulated by the Korean Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Justice, and is also stipulated in our university regulations as a duty for international students studying in Korea. Therefore, all international students enrolled at Soongsil University must enroll in international student insurance.
A. Since it usually takes about 3 months to register as a foreigner, there is a gap period of about 3 months for international students entering Korea to sign up for insurance.
B. National Health Insurance only covers a portion of actual treatment costs.
C. All international students must pay the international student insurance premium (KRW 67,000) and sign up for it when registering for each semester.
D. How to claim insurance premiums: You must contact the insurance company to file a claim.
1) Phone: 02-2264-4900 / Fax: 02-6442-4905 / Website: www.dbinsu.net / Email: master@dbinsu.net )
2) Please read and check the overseas student insurance information (ssu foreigner insu-info) and claim form (ssu claim form).
[ Soongsil University International Student Insurance Fee Refund ]
Those who are enrolled in the National Health Insurance (submit a National Health Insurance Eligibility Confirmation) or enrolled in other insurance policies can apply for a refund of the Soongsil University International Student Insurance Fee.
A. Who can apply for a refund: National Health Insurance subscribers, subscribers of other insurance policies
B. How to apply for a refund for National Health Insurance subscribers
1) Upload the documents below to the link by 23:59 on Friday, March 14, 2025
* You must prepare and submit all of the documents below. If the documents are insufficient, application will not be accepted. There will be no additional refunds after the deadline.
2) Documents to be submitted :
① ‘국민건강보험자격득실확인서’ : [Only those issued by the National Health Insurance Corporation after March 1, 2025 are recognized] (Not an insurance card / Student number required)
② Copy of front and back of alien registration card
③ Copy of bank statement to receive refund
C. How to apply for a refund for other insurance subscribers
1) Upload the documents below to the link by 23:59 on Friday, March 14, 2025
* You must prepare and submit all of the documents below. If the documents are insufficient, application will not be accepted. There will be no additional refunds after the deadline.
2) Documents to be submitted :
① Other private insurance policy [describe coverage]
② Copy of front and back of alien registration card
③ Copy of bank statement to receive refund